Thursday, April 23, 2009

Burning the Wiki at both ends

I will confess to have been singing the praises of Wikis for a couple of years now. With all the hype you get about the errors and false information I've been using Wikipedia as a readers advisory tool for a long time now and have yet to be lead wrong.

I've no problems in pointing people to Wikipedia if they've got some research to do I tell them what I tell everyone who is gathering information off the Internet, evaluate the information before you believe it. Try for entries that have references and yes I know that references can be bogus but at some point we have to assume that not everyone out there is trying to twist you around and lead you down the garden path.

As for the other Wiki's I've looked at:
Wookieepedia - what a laugh as bad as some of the puns I throw out sometimes, a nice little fanatical site full of star wars "fluff" (and I know exactly who I'll pass this site onto lol)
BookLoversWiki - What a great idea to have an adults summer reading program may have to acquire the idea for our service.
Public Libraries Marketing Group - In all honesty I didn't look all that closely at this blog. I tried flicking pages to get a feel for it but all that really stuck out at me was the thought "is this a blog or a rainbow?" red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple writing was a bit much for me I'm afraid.

One thing that me and the IT girls have been bandying around is the possibility of getting a Logan Wiki together (in my spare time lol). We've got all this local knowledge here and what better way to disseminate it than to throw it to the world in a Wiki (well that's the theory anyway). I'm fortunate to be working with some IT gals that are proactive and supportive of bringing the library into the 2.0 age of technology.

That's all my pearls of wisdom for now so might as well amble off and pull up a pew at the pub.

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