Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Starting on a roll

The art of blogging,
To tell a story and have people read it
To think that everyone is entitled to you opinion
And should read it.
Heck yeah sign me up for this!
I don't claim I'll come up with anything deep and meaningful but being raised outside and now working inside I'm not what you'd call "typical" (if one was to use the shockingly old fashioned stereotype that I see perpetuated by some people in this profession lol).
It never ceases to amaze me how many of the people I have worked with over the years would rather bury their heads in the sand when it comes to new technologies instead of trying to keep up with the Joneses and staying one step ahead of our general public. I'm not one to call it life long learning I think a more appropriate term would be professional survival, if you stop learning you'll eventually get voted off the island. I'm hoping to see some new sites by doing this course and maybe even pick up some tips I didn't know.
And speaking of keeping up with the Joneses (just a bit of shameless self promotion here) We began our own 2.0 journey at Logan 6 weeks back with the staff participating (which is to say being the Guinea pigs) in our Web 2.0 program "The Joneses 2.0" which we hope to roll out for public mid year-ish.